How do you define love? Many people use this most powerful word in vain. According to I Corinthians 13:4-8 "Love is long suffering. Love is kind. Love is not puffed up. Love does not behave rudely. Love does not seek it's own, or is provoked. Love thinks no evil. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth only. Love bears all things, believes in all things, hopes all things, endure all things."
Love never fails! However, the major "kryptonite" that attacks the essence of love is jealousy. Love is not jealous! Many people allow the "kryptonite" of jealousy to deteriorate the spirit of love within them, and this causes friction to their ability to cultivate meaningful relationships. Jealousy, the "kryptonite", if not corrected, can cause a person to do unethical and uncharacteristic things including: cheating, stealing, purchasing unnecessary items to keep up with the Jones', making poor decisions, manipulating others, gossiping, or committing detrimental crimes, specifically murder.
Today, I encourage you not to allow the "kryptonite" of jealousy to overrule the spirit of love inside of you. When you feel an ounce of jealousy, pray, that God will saturate your heart with love.
Food For Thought: "Uncontrollable emotions is like a tornado! You dont know the full effect until the aftermath!"
Peace and Blessings,
Dr. Shana
Founder and Executive Director
On Time Breakthrough Ministries, Inc.
This is such an encouraging revelation, Love is NOT jealous. Love is Love. Love needs no defense, as love stands on its' own. I am continuing to walk and pray in love, though people hurt me, I am self reflecting on how I may be hurting others, and not showing love. I ask forgiveness in the realm of the things I do not see and things that are behind me in the dark. May Love shine through me, and keep me in the light of Christ.